Tuesday, 15 November 2011

15 November

Sometimes the best policy ideas come from the simplest and clearest starting points.  Take for example this letter I received from one of my residents, Hans-Dietrich Mielke of Beachmere:

I’m writing this letter in desperation of recognition as a rate payer of this Council for precisely 23 years. My problem is the kerbside “big rubbish” collection in Beachmere! I’m disabled and don’t have a trailer or towbar to carry my unwanted rubbish to the tip. I request a collection as soon as possible as summer is coming fast!

So here's what i'm promising as Mayor -  to bring back a free kerb-side rubbish collection for Moreton Bay Regional Council residents.
The free rubbish collection was a feature of Council services in Caboolture until it was cut under the newly-amalgamated Council.
Still, it wasn't just Hans who has spoken out about this. Other rate payers have consistently told me they want to see a return of the kerb-side collection for big items of rubbish.
The elderly, disabled residents, and those without a car or trailer have been calling for a return of this valued Council service.
The service will give them a chance to get those large household or garden items to local transfer stations.
It is part of my plan to deliver a better customer service to rate payers.
At this stage the service will be delivered once every two years for Moreton Bay Regional Council residents.  It will be available to residents who have the weekly wheelie bin collection service.
Council is more than rates, roads and rubbish - but you've got to get those right before you do anything else.